Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuna Time

Our first Canyon Trip of 2009 was on the heels of one of the hottest tuna bites we have seen in a while. Reports poured in from the Hudson Canyon of tuna practically leaping into boats and people leaving because they had no more room/ice on board. After holding over a few hours on Block Island, we departed at 2:00 am and made the 80 mile run to Block Canyon, otherwise known as Fish Tales. We arrived to see no one around, and sadly, not much life. After trolling around for a while, we happened across this big fella, and shortly after, managed to get a White Marlin into the spread, only to have him shake off quickly.

After trolling around for a bit, and keeping the decks sadly very clean, we were able to hit our first Yellowfin tuna of 2009!

After trolling around for a while more, three rods went off, one was lost, another was a Skippie, and the third was another Yellowfin, this one about 50 lbs, a good keeper fish!

We trolled a bit further, but alas, our fun for the day was over. Overall, we managed better than most in our area, and had some nice table fare to bring home. Crew: Richard, Ryan, Steve Mendes, Peter Slattery, Chris, Matt, Armen (First Canyon run for Armen!) Congrats guys!

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