Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Welcome to 2009!

After a LONG, COLD, New England winter; Knot Reel Teeth and her crew are ready to get back on the water for a Great Season in 2009! This past winter was spent rigging, installing, learning and reading; all in preparation for a hefty offshore season in the Canyons. On the list of projects and installs we have:

-Added a Center rigger
-New A/V system throughout the boat
-Recondition all 30,50,80 and 130 outfits
-Replaced anchor tackle
-Rebuilt windlass
-Fiberglass work in the cockpit
-Scan and Balance both Props
-Addition of SSB radio

Whew! Now that most of these are complete, and we are in the water, it's time to go fishing!! subscribe to our RSS feed to stay updated on the crew, our antics, and the sailings of Knot Reel Teeth.