Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuna Time

Our first Canyon Trip of 2009 was on the heels of one of the hottest tuna bites we have seen in a while. Reports poured in from the Hudson Canyon of tuna practically leaping into boats and people leaving because they had no more room/ice on board. After holding over a few hours on Block Island, we departed at 2:00 am and made the 80 mile run to Block Canyon, otherwise known as Fish Tales. We arrived to see no one around, and sadly, not much life. After trolling around for a while, we happened across this big fella, and shortly after, managed to get a White Marlin into the spread, only to have him shake off quickly.

After trolling around for a bit, and keeping the decks sadly very clean, we were able to hit our first Yellowfin tuna of 2009!

After trolling around for a while more, three rods went off, one was lost, another was a Skippie, and the third was another Yellowfin, this one about 50 lbs, a good keeper fish!

We trolled a bit further, but alas, our fun for the day was over. Overall, we managed better than most in our area, and had some nice table fare to bring home. Crew: Richard, Ryan, Steve Mendes, Peter Slattery, Chris, Matt, Armen (First Canyon run for Armen!) Congrats guys!

Snug Harbor Shark Tournament 2009

Well, our first Sharking adventure for 2009 turned out to be a good one, and a Prize winner! Although we didn't have any fish worthy of a weight award, we did capture the Team Tag and Release award, and tied for top two individual tag awards as well! Additionally, we caught our first Mako aboard Knot Reel Teeth, making for some great grill fare! Team consisted of Richard, Peter Slattery, Steve Mendes, Doug Flora, Ryan, Chris, Armen, and Queequeeg Charland.